Saturday, February 26, 2011

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Manuka Honey

Manuka honey isn’t just any honey that you can find lining the shelves of your grocery story. Manuka honey has been renowned for its beauty and medicinal properties for centuries, though in this day in age we tend to rely more on treatments and creams that are stuffed full of lab-created chemicals that often do more damage to our skin than good.
Manuka honey has been known to cure several heath and beauty issues, such as:
  • Dermatitis
  • Staph infections
  • Inflammation
  • Wounds

Any where that bacteria, fungi or protozoa may be causing an issue for you, manuka honey can cure it. Why? This nectar is loaded with antibacterial properties. Unlike the normal table honey that you can find in stores, manuka honey is far higher in both UMF and MGO ratings. These ratings help determine the intensity and the strength of any particular nectar on the market. UMF, which stands for Unique Manuka Factor, helps estimate the non-hydrogen peroxide antibacterial properties of any nectar. The MGO, also known as methylglyoxal, refers to a procedure that is used to help and determine just how efficient the nectar is, and how concentrated it is as well.
Some of the more medical ways which manuka honey can help you include:
  • Treating a cold and a sore throat
  • Heals any skin boils, wounds and ulcers
  • Heals stomach ulcers
  • Burns and pressure sores are soothed and cured
  • Treating MSRA and any other infections
But not only is manuka honey fantastic for our health; it is also fantastic for our skin! Applying manuka honey to the skin’s surface will most definitely help improve the quality of your skin, and provide the following benefits:
Your skin will become more nourished and hydrated.
It helps produce collagen, a key factor in keeping our skin elastic and youthful in appearance.
It contains anti-aging properties that help smooth out those fine lines that we develop over time, making them far less noticeable.
It will fight off free radicals (these are responsible for a number of health issues, such as cancer, and they accelerate the aging process).
It will help treat any skin that has been damaged, including underlying skin cells that other skin products cannot reach.
It will help anyone who has acne, blemishes, eczema, or psoriasis.
You will be left with a beautiful, glowing complexion.
Though you may not be able to find manuka honey in your grocery store, you can definitely find it in natural health food stores. Some supermarkets that are more geared towards natural health and organic products also often carry manuka honey. If all else fails, your best resource is searching for it online. Manuka honey may have been under everyone’s radar for a while now, but it’s making a comeback in a big way as scientists discover all the more how beneficial it is to not only our health, but our beauty.