If you want to enable experimental features in Google's Chrome browser, get diagnostic data, or see hidden information and features. Then you want to check out the Chrome's ABOUT pages, to access them in the address bar type "about:about" to see a list of available pages.
- about:about: Lists available Chrome About pages.
- about:appcache-internals: Displays information about the HTML 5 AppCache manifests.
- about:blank: Displays a blank page.
- about:cache: Displays a list of cached URLs.
- about:crash: Displays a crash page in the active tab.
- about:view-http-cache: Displays a blank page.
- about:credits: Displays credit information about different browser features.
- about:conflicts: Lists all modules loaded into the main process.
- about:dns: Displays browser DNS preresolution information.
- about:flags: Allows the enabling and disabling of experimental features.
- about:flash: Lists information about Flash.
- about:gpu: Displays informaton about the GPU charactoristics.
- about:histograms: Lists histogram about different browser features.
- about:inducebrowsercrashforrealz - Crashes the Google Chrome browser.
- about:kill: Displays a generic error message when a webpage crashes unexpectedly
- about:memory: Displays processor and memory data.
- about:net-internals: Lists internal network and cache information.
- about:plugins: Displays informaton about the installed plug-ins.
- about:stats: Displays a blank page.
- about:sync-internals: Displays the browser sync information.
- about:tcmalloc: Lists memory and processor information for the browser.
- about:terms: Displays information about Google Chrome Terms of Service.
- about:version: Lists version information for the Chrome browser.