Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oranges Citrus sinensis - The Fruit

Oranges (Citrus sinensis) are round orange colored fruits with a thick skin, fibrous juicy flesh, and little white seeds. Oranges have several segments held together by a white fibrous matrix known as the pith.


Health Benefits of Oranges:
  • Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
  • Increased Immune Function
  • Reduced Cancer Risk
  • Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
  • Protection Against Heart Disease
  • Slowing Aging
  • DNA Repair and Protection
  • Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Alzheimer's Protection
  • Osteoporosis Protection
  • Stroke PreventionFlavanones found in oranges are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. The flavanones also help to lower blood pressure, and cholesterol.
Natural vitmains, minerals, and nutrients found in Oranges: Vitamin A | Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic Acid) | Vitamin C | Calcium | Dietary Fiber | Potassium | 

How to choose Oranges: Look for oranges that are firm with no soft spots or discolorations. You can try to find soft oranges if you intend to juice them.

Climate and origin: Able to grow in both temperate and tropical climates, oranges are thought to have originated in Southeast Asia, spreading to the Middle East in the 9th century and on to the Caribbean and western world later in the 15th century. Oranges remained rare and expensive until delivery systems were set up in the 20th century.

Taste: Oranges are sweet fruits with a tart, acidic, and slightly sour taste which combine to form quintessential flavor label of "citrus".

Substitutes with more vitamins: Pummelo, Grapefruit, Lemon

Miscellaneous information: Long used in culinary purposes for marmalade or as orange zest, orange skins are edible and the most vitamin packed part of the orange. Any way you can find to consume the skin is beneficial.

Similar tasting produce: Tangerine, Pummelo, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime